The slow and steady writing process.

Let me start by saying this is not a whiny or a rant post. Writing is difficult if you want to do things the right way. Writing is a long process nonetheless and comes with a lot of headaches, self-doubt, anger, and other emotions.

I do know if I keep moving forward and create more content, there will be a time where my work or name will sound. For now, I’m comfortable where I am, at. You see, I know I have to do so much just to get my work on the hands of readers. It is not the same, having a fan base and launching something just to have a sure thing, either in sales or financially.

An example of what I am going at, Neil Gaiman who is an author I love so much, will be launching his audible for Sandman and it is packed with so many actors that you know it will be a success, period. On the other hand, I’ll need to prove that I can constantly get books out, and other content to scratch the surface on viewership.

Another author that is getting a lot of attention is Jenna Moreci. She has two books, and her new book the Savior’s Sister will probably get high on the charts. Why do I mention Jenna? The reason is that she has painted a blueprint on what you need to do as an author to get noticed. She works her ass off doing, YouTube, podcasts, social media, between other marketing strategies.

I started doing things to follow the paths of authors like Gaiman and Moreci. It won’t be easy peasy that’s for sure. For a time every content I write will feel like I’m shouting at an empty room, but if I keep being consistent in my work, it is just a matter of time when I get a breakthrough.

My second book in the Reign of Darkness series is moving slowly. I got to remember that, right now we are passing through a pandemic. Mentally it will have a toll. I also work. I have kids, dogs, a wife, a house. All those elements need my attention. What will be the point of mishandling all of that for a boost in the writing industry? Plus I got to be careful of things I wrote on book one, and what will become to be on book three that won’t affect me by writing faster book two.

One thing that already has helped me to be calmer, is that a comic script I finished, will be worked on and finished probably early 2021. That is one more thing in having more content. I finished YouTube video number three and working on number four. I’m telling you what I’m going through so that you know what you can do to have a breakthrough or that you see what works and doesn’t work for you.

Another thing that you need to do while writing is, keep reading and keep doing research. If you continue to fill your head with ideas on creating and resolving problems, it will make your process easier. It will make having less writer’s block. I know there’s a lot of writers that don’t like outlining, but man, how does that help. It’s true. Outlining helps you out pinpointing plot holes and inconsistencies in your story.

The slow and steady writing process can be achieved. You can reach higher in your success mountain. Don’t quit. Keep learning. Keep moving forward. Until the moment ER Landron can be recognized as a legit author, I will keep working as Neil Gaiman did, and as Jenna Moreci is doing at the moment. No shortcuts. I’ll keep educating myself and will keep getting content out.

If you want to know a bit more about me, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. My book Reign of Darkness is available through Amazon on paperback and ebook. If you are a bookstore you can get Reign of Darkness through Ingramspark. I’ll keep you posted when new content will be available. So for now, take care guys!