Supporting people

The road of writing feels very lonely from time to time. For some people that is perfect. For some is unnecessary torture. Either way, writing is something that you will need people in the long run to help you. Beta readers. Critique partners. Editors. Between others.

There’s a saying that no one cares about what you are working, except you. And for the most part, it is true. Until the day you become a household name or grow a fan base, your writing process will feel like no one is watching. So before you become insane opening windows into parts of your mind, look for people that will lend you a hand in moments of need. Someone that hears your process. Someone that can discuss plotholes or that the story makes sense.

In my case, I have two people who are my support. I talk to them progressively and look for ways to move forward my story or the actions of characters. This way I can always check my blindsides. To be honest two heads think better than one.

That same thing goes when you do collaborations. Communication is key. And people should be on the same page and more so support each other to bring the best product that can come out.

Where else can you get support? Online. Social media groups. Other local writers. The places are endless now. Now like everything, there’s good information and there’s not so good one out there as well. There are people who want you to do good, and there are people that want you to do good, but not better than them. That part you need to check out on who has your best interest.

On the never-ending to-do lists, writers have to check. Outlining. Worldbuilding. Character creation. Get yourself, someone, to support you. You’ll see how much progress you’ll have. Same as people get gym buddies. Gamers go co-op. Get people around you that will make you better. Get people that will help you finish your writing.

Have awesome writing guys. Be sure to follow me on social media as well. Be on the lookout for more of my content. I’m doing all that I can to do more on these lockdown times. Take care. Be safe.