September Updates 2019

I hope you guys are well when reading this. It seems that all the time, I had to do multiple things that have been taken from me. It is ok, though. I’ve been a bit busy lately. Back-to-school. New store. Plus I am trying to recoup financially after the vacations I took. Not to mention the preparations that we had to do after the possible hurricane.

Talking about the hurricane. Here in Puerto Rico, we solidarize with what happened in the Bahamas. Our hearts go to them. My family and the school where my daughter goes to, manage to gather provisions for them. I hope anything, and everything helps them.

On the theme of my book. It is out. You can get it through Amazon on ebook for the moment. I’m trying to work some things with Ingram Spark and Amazon for the paperback version. I’ll keep you posted on any changes. For now, if you want a physical copy, you can obtain one on The Bookmark in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. Soon to other places as well. I’m also looking forward to doing a presentation. I will let you guys know when.

In the second book, it is growing little by little and just juggling a couple of things at the moment. And part of the second book I’m looking for pieces on developing a graphic novel that will be a companion to the books. Not that it would be required to understand the story, but as an expansion of the world and characters and what happened between books.

So hopefully, in the upcoming months, everything is running a bit smoother. I would be 100% accommodated in the new store. The book could get to the 50% to 75% mark on the first draft, and the graphic novel has a visible outline on what it would look like. On this page, I’ll make a much better effort to give you more writing tips. For now, I’ll redirect you to my social pages where it is moving a bit more.




So for now, take care and have an awesome day.

Links to buy Reign of Darkness: