My Youtube Channel is On!

I know I just could of do a September update and mention YouTube, but I wanted to give it its own space.

I’ve said before I am working hard on giving you guys more content, so I’m scheduling hard to write and do many things to keep you entertained and engaged.

But for now, I wanted to mention YouTube. It will go once a week. I hope it doesn’t become a nuisance with all the things I have to do, and the projects I’m working on. But yeah, every Monday a new video will be available. Be sure to Like It, and hit Subscribe for more. The content will be in Spanish though. It will also be shared on my other social media platform during the same week.

So this is just the first video. Hope you like it.

You want more? Be sure to follow me on my other social media accounts. Also, Reign of Darkness can be found at the moment in Amazon, on ebook, and softcover. If you haven’t had your chance, don’t wait for too much and get aboard on this new vampire world. Be sure to follow me on social media as well. This is what I have for now, until the next time, take care guys and keep writing mis amigos.