Meet the ROD characters

You know that a story is one thing and your characters complement it so much that they can make or break your whole manuscript. You have the info already on what the story is about on the section BOOK STUFF but now let’s look further into who gets to make this story move forward. I’m just going to give you a little tease on them.


• Race: Human
• Skills: Weapons, combat.
• Mieke accepted a detective work in the police department after her father’s passing. She needs to feel in control; otherwise, it’s a stressful situation. She drowns herself in more work instead of enjoying life, instead of passing the time with her sister.


• Clan: Seelish
• Powers: Telepath
• Kokolite has been through a lot. He has found a bit of peace through religion. He’s a vegetarian vampire. He’s seen as a crazy person in the vampire community. Has OCD with shiny things. He says taking them is like having little pieces of heaven with him.

This one is very dear to me. I created him over 15 years ago and now has a place on #reignofdarkness.


• Clan: Ahket
• Power: Animal Shapeshifting
• Hannah is a newborn that thinks that she knows the world already. Attitude it’s her main downfall. She ran away from her family because of an abusive stepfather. She thinks she doesn’t have anything else to lose, so why worry?


• Clan: Unknown
• Powers Unknown
• An ancient vampire with a mystery. He is looking for an orb that can bring destruction to the world and that vampires are fighting over.

So that’s a bummer. Not that much information on #meetthecharacters. Guess you will have to find out on #erlandron’s book.


• Clan: Kumori
• Power: Shadow Manipulation
• RIPA is the kingpin of the city with too many resources to count. Feared against his peers. Relentless to those who oppose him. He will not hold back on anything to acquire what he wants.


• Clan: Canlilik
• Power: Quickness
• Not much is known from Liam. His clan is banned from many countries. They are sadistic, brutal, and cannibals. They drink the blood from other vampires.

Now you have a little more sense on who are the players on this story. For more information keep coming back or get yourself to the pre-orders page.