May Updates 2019

I know, I know, I skipped the April update. It has been hectic in all sense of the word. Work. House. A cousin’s wedding. Dogs getting treatments and taking care of them. Kids. Avengers: Endgame. Game of Thrones. Managing alone the store this month. Writing part two of the book series. And to top it all in all-out stress awaiting the book to finish being format for publishing.

Usually, I set up my Facebook page in advance so that you can have content in Spanish and English. So if you haven’t seen something post up here, you can always go to my social media account to get new info or content.

Like I said I had an avalanche of work in April, but I’m going to continue to work towards my goals and of course on helping people. Later on, I will do a post on information about some books you can make having your child as the main character and other information about publishing too. Recently I was contacted through Messenger about this and was gladly helping this father for information to make a physical copy of his daughter’s writing.

So about ROD, I am waiting for it to finish the process of being format for ebook and paperback. Those are the two ways the book can be acquired once out. The art cover is amazing. I can’t wait to show you guys everything about it. The plan for it is, once I get all the data, I’ll upload it towards the PODs and ebook service and do a pre-order sale while I start doing marketing for it.

I’ll leave you guys for now. It looks like I’ll be having some free time. Hopefully, I can come back to you guys on publishing information and on the children’s publishing books. Take care, have a nice day.