May 2020 Updates

As we continue our ongoing war with social distancing, COVID-19, and battling our mental fights we try to continue moving forward. During quarantine, I managed to do a few things to keep up with all the plans I have this year.


I know I have been out of my own. I need to be updating here a lot more. Writing tips, writing updates. I started writing articles for Cultura Secuencial on their page. You can check them out and check my posts out at

Comic Book:

I finished a comic book script. Looking later to be drawn in order to be print or to be thrown as an electronic read. I’m very proud of that one and it was already verified by a buddy of mine who is super talented and runs comic podcasts. So I’ll see how soon that can be finished in order to be thrown to the public. Plus it is a part of the recurring Reign of Darkness series and people can find out what happens to one of the characters between books 1 and 2.

Reign of Darkness book 2:

It already has a title to go on. I’ll reveal it in a while. Some few words have thrown into the story. I’ve been outlining more, trying to figure out how to make the story go full circle, avoid plot holes, and well finish book 2. It looks promising the new things I attach to the story so it has a little more action scenes and a solid arc so it runs smoothly to the next books.


I’m trying my best to get to twelve videos before releasing them. Editing number 3 at the moment. Little by little it is been done. So, later on, I’ll be having a writing tip Spanish series going on too.

Children’s Book:

Same as the comic book. I finished two stories with my daughter. Looking, later on, to get drawn. This project is very dear to me. My daughter has seen me countless hours stuck on the computer finishing my stories. Sometimes is hard to say no on playtimes. Taking time off of parenting is not easy. So this project helped a lot with having a laugh while creating something. Don’t get me wrong I really don’t get out of my parenting responsibilities, but it is hard to balance everything at the same time.

So I’m doing a lot of things while being re-activated to work. This is one of the things that will work slow and steady. There’s a lot of things I want to continue doing, but for now, this is my updates. Make sure to follow me on social media for more information. Take care for now guys.