March Updates 2019

Hello guys and thanks for joining once again. I am really thankful for your patience. Each day that passes R.O.D. is closer to get published. Apart from dad, husband, and work duties I’ve been in constant communications with a few people in order that R.O.D. gets out to the world.

I keep helping the guys from Cultura Secuencial. It’s a Spanish podcast. If you haven’t seen it, you should. They have weekly updates on Games, Comics, Movies, and TV series. Learn something, have a few laughs.

I’m more anxious about a mini-comic of one of the scenes of the book for promotion purposes. I haven’t seen much of it, so it is one of those things that I have to stay relax and have a bit of faith that when presented it looks good.

R.O.D. #2 is going well at the moment. I’ve kept writing a bit here and there. Mentally I have been more concentrated on things from the first book that I haven’t put my 100% on #2. But it is moving none the less. So I have my work cut out.

I’ve talked to a bookstore here in Puerto Rico about R.O.D. being on their shelves and they have said yes. So that means not only (once published) that you can get your hands on the book online but on a physical store. Which it is exciting for you as an author seeing your book on the shelves.

And the last update, for now, is that I received the cover designs and they look amazing. AMAZING! It is from the guys of Little Pages and I must say they are masters at their craft. Now I have to choose which one will be the lucky winner for representing R.O.D. I mean you know what they say, you can judge a book by its cover. Am I right? *crickets sounds*

So, for now, I have that information. If you want more books or reading-related things follow me on social media at Facebook. Have a little laugh with some memes on Instagram. For now, Twitter is moving slowly with all the things I have on my plate but can check me out there as well. Have a nice day guys.