June 2020 Updates

One thing is for sure. This year is going so slow. We’ve been hit by multiple things all out once. COVID, protests, earthquakes, and others. Here in Puerto Rico, we have already been announced that we are going to a drought season, and to top it all we started hurricane season as well. YEY!

In other news. June updates. It has been a slow process at the moment. Again too many things going on. Work has increased to more days and at mid-June, they announced that the lockdown is almost over. It is absurd to open now seven days, with more cases of COVID being reported at the moment. Mentally is exhausting.

At the moment book #2 has 38k words, which are not enough, but still, it is going in the right direction. I did two scenes that were very intense. I hope it translates to readers.

YouTube videos are being done a bit more consistently than before. I hope this month can have two more videos, making our way to six. We need to get to twelve in order to make public the channel.

Book #1 will be available soon on Libros787. That’s good on moving forward on expanding where the book can be sold. We are reaching for more bookstores to keep expanding. Hopefully, we can get into various stores before this year ends.

Two of the children’s books have been written. Hopefully, we will have an artist soon. If so maybe next year will be one of more content. Bellow the ER Landron brand you could expect a book, two children’s books, and a comic book. Maybe for 2022 could be book #1 finally in Spanish, Book #2 out as well.

The truth is I haven’t stopped, even with all the things going on. Interruptions and other things. In a world post-corona, I hope also to start traveling to promote better the book.

Reign of Darkness can be found at the moment in Amazon, on ebook and softcover. If you haven’t had your chance, don’t wait for too much and get aboard on this new vampire world. Be sure to follow me on social media as well. More updates later. This is what I have for now, until the next time, take care guys!