July Updates 2020

Another day, another month of this endless ongoing year. Sounds harsh, but you know that 2020 hasn’t been a cup of tea. It has been tough, but it is the same for the characters on the endless stories you and I read. Let’s gather our strength and gather all the tools to thrive on what’s left of this year and years to come.

This July update is a bit more of the same. I continue to prepare for 2021. Working on the comic, children’s book, book #2, and the translation of book #1. I’m still doing the YouTube videos, hopefully by September they are out and officially become an author tuber. I continue working on my craft, my content in order to get you guys more things for years to come.

With the guys of Cultura Secuencial, I’m writing a weekly column on things pop. Books, TV series, anime, games, and movies. If you want to read this content click HERE. These guys have been awesome with me, so it was a no brainer when they asked me to write, to get on board. So if you like pop-culture, head to their site, YouTube channel, or podcasts. Their content is in Spanish if you are wondering. With the Google translate plugin, you can at least have their writing content, translated to you.

On the ongoing work to get to more places with book distributions, we got some news with Libros787 and La Casita Books & Gifts. Right now because of the pandemic, distribution is going very slow, but the fact that Reign of Darkness will be getting to more shelves or digital platforms is a step forward. So we are crossing our fingers to receive more books from our publisher to get those books into their hands and on to yours as well.

If you haven’t read my book yet, what are you waiting for? Reign of Darkness can be found at the moment in Amazon, on ebook and softcover. If you haven’t had your chance, don’t wait for too much and get aboard on this new vampire world. Be sure to follow me on social media as well. More updates later. This is what I have for now, until the next time, take care guys!