January Updates 2020

Happy New Year. Tres Reyes Magos. Holidays. It’s been a while since my last post. All part of the great retail movement between November and December. There has been a lot that has happened.

Book Related things: I got to say that the word counts are not going as fast as I thought they were going to be. Too much mental fatigue from work has made me write less even though I know the story. And I want book 2 of the Reign of Darkness series to be good for the reader. I’m not rushing it. Just going slow and steady.

Future Projects: As I said book 2 is getting slowly word count increase and I’m also developing one of some comic companions to the series. Expanding the world and slowly emerging more on each characters individually.

YouTube is something that has been on hold. I have one video that has been done for a while now. Haven’t released it until I have a few more videos done so you don’t have to wait that much from one video to another. It would not have my main focus at the moment, but eventually is part of the expansion of the author platform.

Audiobooks is also something I want to get my hands on. Doing slowly more research to get into that as well.

So on the theme of future projects, a lot going on in my head, to bring you guys more content. Because of my day job well it is going slow.

Family: It has been a rough two months though. Not on my wife and kids, but because of my dogs. I got one that is very old and another that was diagnosed with cancer. I know is a bit of a sour note, but this will take me out of focus for a moment as well. So we are trying to figure out what to do with our heads thinking straight.

This 2020: My goal for this year is to finish book 2 story. Not edited just write the end. Next, complete the outline for the comic and written and to do a couple of YouTube videos. The other thing I’m working on is the official book presentation. Working on the details so that it is a good one. A lot of things in my plate but never stopping until all the Reign of Darkness series is written and later on work on other ones I have standing by.