January Updates 2019

Hello guys! I hope you are doing well when reading this. It is January, and I’m still working on the book. But I’m once more one step closer to getting it out to the public.

I had a minor setback on getting to October and November and sending all the information of R.O.D. to formatting but I can assure you that it has been sent. Actually yesterday January 22. So the guys at Eight Little Pages have my manuscript and information. These guys are professional. They send you a questionnaire with everything that can help with the book design and format. I imagine now that maybe there will be a back and forth in communication until the final product is done.

It took three more months to get the manuscript over because I did a few changes. My story was written in third person P.O.V. and was changed to first-person P.O.V. It was for the best. The story has more depth than before. From some reviews from Beta Readers, I was told that they wanted to know what happens to the characters or what would be the outcome of the story. More than if you like it or not, That is what you want to hear. You want to admit it or not, you want readers to go through your book until the end.

Once I received all the data, I would send them to a POD and then start with the pre-purchase phase. Now once I get the information from the formatting and design I will feel more comfortable sharing: sketches, character information, and the book cover of course. I’m trying also a mini-comic strip as a teaser that I want to put here on this web page. This way people can download it on their phones and/or computers and see part of what it is installed on the book.

For now, you can keep up with me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Later on, I will post all information regarding R.O.D. here. And later on, share everything regarding the publishing journey. I hope you guys have a great day. Take care.