February Updates 2020

It is February already? January it seemed like it lasted more than it should and now February is at top speed.

I hope you are doing good. Right now I continue working on the second book and outlining the comic. I have a good idea about the beginning and the end. Trying to figure out all things in the middle. Once that is done I will work full steam on getting it done.

One thing new is that I’m on recent talks to do an Audible version of the first book. That is exciting. We will work on the details on that and how it can get to good quality to the market.

I’m taking a week off work as well. See if this helps me with all my creative juices to recharge. One of the many problems people who are or want to be creative is being interrupted. You stop focusing because your attention is directed to different places than finishing or continuing with your art. In my case the Reign of Darkness story. Goals for me in this off work week? Maybe get around 35k words, two YouTube videos shot and add a few more scenes to the ROD comic outline. It is a bit of a workload but I want to keep pushing myself forward so that all things ROD gets out to the light.

For now, that is it. You can still find my debut novel Reign of Darkness through Amazon on ebook and softcover. Be sure to follow me on social media. And I hope you have an awesome day. Take care.