So I’ve been very busy. Busy and busier. I haven’t written here for a while. So what I’ve been up to? Glad you ask.

First I was promoted on my job. That is a big thing for me and my family. That took some time from writing. I had training and learning the ropes on the field left me with little energy to actually write. Still, I haven’t stopped.

So we go to número dos. After some meetings, a decision was taken on the book. Nothing wrong. Just changing the POV. This will actually benefit the story as the reader will get more information on the characters. So this will take some time and push the schedule more or less like two months back if my calculations are correct. Again this is for the good of the book and will help transitions on the second and so on since more characters will appear in the future.

And three this month. Is that I participated with the guys of Cultura Secuencial. Super awesome people. If you guys want to hear information, updates on what is going on with: movies, tv-series, comics, and video games, check them out! They are in Spanish though, just in case you wanted to hear them out. I’ll leave a link below. The week’s theme was Doctor Who. I had a blast doing it. I hope we can repeat that.

So, for now, I’ll leave you guys with that. I hope I can get to you guys soon as I finish my own personal deadline for the book. And if you guys are interested in the Cultura Secuencial video, check it down below. On the other hand, if you want more info on my stuff, check me out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Take care guys.