Hi everybody. Thank you so much for your visits. It is something I do appreciate. Remember that you can also keep up with me on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. So what has ER Landron been up to?

For starters, the movie I helped write Extraterrestres is on sale on Amazon. So if you are interested and want to help this project go ahead and see this special movie. Second of all, my book Reign of Darkness was successfully entered into the Readers Favorite contest. They will announce a rating for the book and if the book won something in its category. So fingers crossed it gets good acceptance and it is loved by the reviewers and judges.

Continuing with the Reign of Darkness book, I’ll be using the hashtag #ROD to give some hints on the progress of it. I’ve been working tirelessly to get everything in order so it comes outright. ISBN number, book look, formatting, character concept art, between other stuff. WLC Arts is helping me to do concept arts for the front page and characters, so that is much appreciated. He is the one that did the art on the BOOK STUFF section.

There is still a long road to cover before the book comes out hence there is no time to waste. I still juggle life itself like every other person. Still recovering after the mess Hurricane Maria left last year, job, house, wife, kids, and dogs. But becoming an author and delivering good stories to people has been a dream of mine for ages. I put that dream on hold for a while and now the work I’m putting to this so that it comes out is huge. So I will make sure the goal is complete and that you guys will have an awesome read and hopefully it can be spread to the masses.

Again I want to thank you all. To those who write me on social media, thank you too. I’ll keep you posted when more information on ROD is available.