So I’ve been busy, busy, busy. Everything is going smoothly for the Reign of Darkness which I hope to get everything done before launch starting the second quarter of next year. This is provisional for now until I get everything figured out. So what have I been doing?

  • Photos for the author platform and social media. Photos were taken by
  • Booked with Eight Little Pages for book formatting and cover.
  • Entered another contest with Winning Writers.
  • Keep working with WLC Arts for art towards the book.
  • If you guys are into social media you can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • Started writing part numero dos of Reign of Darkness.

I’m still juggling a full-time job, wife, daughters, and 4 dogs. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love writing and will do anything I can so that this dream comes true. So be on the lookout for more of ER Landron. Until next time I’ll leave you guys with this:

“No matter what you are doing right now, think of what makes you happy. Think about what you love the most. Are you doing it right now? If you aren’t, try to set up your life towards that. To what makes you happy. No matter what people say to you, go for it! Why spend your life doing things you tolerate or hate? You could live happily and make a career out of it. Research how to get from point A to point B and go out and DO IT!”