Hey guys! I hope you have had an awesome holiday. Here where I live we continue till mid-January. That’s because we celebrate both U.S. and Spain traditions and some others added here locally.

At the moment I’ve been way over my head in work. Now that the season is almost finished I can go back and post more things here. That doesn’t mean I’m slacking; On the contraire monsieur. I’ve been very busy with work and fixing the first part of the ROD series so it is squeaky clean for publishing. Has it been hard? YES! Is it going to be worth it? I’ll let you guys decide on that once it is out.

So the new job is great. Took a while to get used to. A lot of changes happen. It’s just how the business is run. But the good news is, that in less than a month my group was working as a team. For my writing, it did suffer a bit. I kept doing a ten-minute work here and there. Somedays I worked harder and didn’t pick up the phone to answer calls. Those days were intense.

So why the whole work on the novel? I changed the POVs from the third person to first. It gave the story a better perspective. The other thing I did is let the readers know who was speaking when the POV changed from characters. That way you can read other character’s views on their surroundings.

For now, I’ll leave you guys with happy holidays again. I wish you an excellent end to 2018 and a great 2019. I’m going to be working hard to give you guys more writing tips. Getting out ROD número Uno (1st book). And more things to come your way with this new year.