So August comes along and every day it passes is just one step closer to getting Reign of Darkness out. I’m already outlining the second part of it and preparing everything with the first part to come out. Finally changed my profile picture on my social media pages thanks to the help of the followers on those pages. So for that, I’m truly thankful.

I continue working on concept art for the book. In October I got a meeting for the concept and formatting of it. We will try to do like a mini-comic as a teaser on what is to come in the story. See if that can get people hyped.

I’m on talks to appear on some podcasts later on. I’m a little nervous since I haven’t done one before, but we’ll see how it goes. It shouldn’t be more different than going on camera for a movie. One of the podcasts will be the guys from Cultura Secuencial. They talk about comics, TV, movies, and gaming. It is in Spanish and they have great content. So if you guys are interested, take a look at them. They are also on youtube.

The other thing is that I’m awaiting for September to get the ratings on my book that went to a contest. See how that goes one month from now.

Like I’ve said before and this is no new news to writers out there. Writing is hard yet if you love what you do, you don’t mind the work, the time you put into it. If you will not be writing I hope you do what you like, what you love. Maybe set it as a future goal. Trust me, when I’m writing, time flies and I don’t mind it one bit at all. For those of you who are going to write, keep appearing to your story. Love it and be true to it. Step by step you’ll get to the end. Remember is not a race. Take care all of you! If you want to you can follow me at: