Can I use writing tips even though I’m not a writer?

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Can I use writing tips if I’m not a writer? Absolutely. That’s like asking if you can learn plumbing without being a plumber. The more you know, the wiser you will get in life. So go ahead and become the next Yoda or so.

Learning writing tips will help you understand various things. In the end, storytelling is what is important. And who uses storytelling? Every one! You found some merchandise that you were dying to get. You purchase it and tell your best friend… and you start with the story on how you conquered your odyssey. In this case, writing tips will help you understand the process on which, songwriters, publicists, authors, and scriptwriters go to achieve what you end up watching or listening to.

Besides understanding since there are some structures needed, you can then apply that to your everyday or job. Let say your work needs you to do a presentation. You can sit down like a pantser and do it. Or you can outline what you want like a plotter. Has this made sense? You will need, inspiration, motivation, creativity to move that presentation from a blank slate, to what you are going to show. It will have a beginning, mid-point, and conclusion.

The book The Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo says that you can apply what you know of something in particular to the next work. For example in the book, the baker knows exactly the ingredients to make his bread and the time needed to bake it. But why? Well, you can say he went through trial and error, maybe he did research on YouTube, he learned in a culinary school, his grandma thought him. Now everything this baker learned and knows when his bread is done, he could apply it to another job. What does he need to do? Research, be motivated, see YouTube, tell his grandma to teach him as well. That is a special grandma.

All those things the baker needs to be great at his job, are part of the writing tips. I just so happened to short it out in posts. But the same as someone trying to learn a new skill, you can read all the posts here and see that you can apply this information to your daily life.

So what you want to accomplish? You know the character is you trying to achieve the goal. You got to research. Verify the world. Pros and cons and competition. Have your beginning, mid-point, climax, and conclusion. You need tools to face obstacles. Question everything as you move forward. And once you achieve everything, become the storyteller. You’ll want to say your experience and how you worked so hard to get what you set your mind to accomplish.