April Updates 2020

Right now it feels like all we get are updates, don’t you think? Coronavirus updates. Government updates. Curfew updates between others. I’ll try to make this short and quick because I know everyone is doing so much under this quarantined times.

At the moment, Reign of Darkness 2 is getting more words. Hopefully, before the year ends we get a first draft completed.

One of the comics I was writing just went through its third draft if I’m not mistaken. The next step will be getting an artist and proceed so it gets illustrated. Talking about illustration and completion. I finished the 2nd draft on a kid’s book with my daughter. So there’s going to be something else needing that tender love and care.

Besides that, I’m taking my time to read some books. Catch up in some TV series and trying to absorb creative things from other artists out there. Usually times like this spark a creative bug on some that didn’t have time to do so. It is nice to appreciate people’s creativeness at these social distancing times.

That’s what I have for you guys for now. Stay safe. Obey the social distancing so that hopefully we can win this faster. Take care, you guys.