Book Art

If I’m writing a book, why I need to know about art? I think we have heard the saying never judge a book by its cover. The truth is everybody does it. It is not just the cover, but it is the first impression your work will get to a total unknown. So it will be important that you know a little bit about how you want that book to go.

Maybe you are publishing traditionally and probably all art things will be taken care of. But what if you are self-publishing? You just can’t get your three-year-old niece to do a book cover. I’ve seen plenty of good books put back on the shelves just because people did not like the art. You won’t please everybody that’s for sure. Giving the audience a good quality book cover can give you one more step into having your work bought. So ask yourself: Am I a good artist? If it is no or you just want to focus on the written part, my best advice is to hire somebody.

Hiring somebody to do your book art will be tough if you don’t know where to start. you will see a variety of prices throughout the internet and/or local artists. And you will hear you get what you paid. Do research, ask for reviews but please don’t ask for a free sample. To be honest, it took you a lot to do your book, and probably artists will take time doing work for you. They have to eat. Check their Instagram account. Deviantart, Facebook anything that would get you one step closer to somebody that can draw or paint your vision.

There are some other places you could get artists and see their packages. Fiverr is one of those places. You can get logos, characters, and other goodies starting at $5. Would everything you want to cost $5? Of course not. That’s as silly as the Trix rabbit. Depending on where you are going to publish you will need the files to support. Let’s say you will publish through create space and it states to upload your art for the cover, you will need that file.

The images on this post are from WLC Arts who is a local artist that also likes to promote other local artists in Puerto Rico. We are working in concept art for the book as a way to give it a more visual taste for future promotions of it. There are too many things I want to do with this story and little by little I’m working through it all. Later I’ll give you more info on who is who. So do your research. Don’t cut corners and do a kickass cover so people will take your book and proceed to read what is it about.